Illustration of UCF Library

The Home of Open Source at UCF

UCF Open is a collection of officially licensed open source software created at The University of Central Florida. Find an open source project, learn how to collaborate on making it better, or get help releasing your own code.

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Our Open Source licensed code is hosted on GitHub. Download, and contribute!

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Global Impact

View where UCF Open projects are used around the world. Note: this information is updated manually as we learn of organizations using the tools. Web applications like UDOIT, Materia, and Obojobo are easier to place on a map. Libraries like CanvasAPI are very difficult to place as it's silently powering applications of all sorts.

Contribute a Project

This initiative is maintained by the Techrangers at UCF's Center for Distributed Learning. The Techrangers create many of the projects highlighted here, but UCF Open was created to highlight officially licensed open source software from anywhere within the university. This includes all UCF organizations, staff, faculty, and special student projects.

If you have a project you'd like to share, license, or contribute, contact us on Slack.