Assessment Scoring
Default assessment scoring in Obojobo is simple. Each attempt score is an average of all question responses and the Overall Assessment Score is the highest of these scores. However, you can modify how scores are calculated using a rubric. The rubric is a very powerful feature that allows for flexible scoring rules but can make scoring a little complex. This section will outline in detail how Obojobo scores Assessments.
- Raw Attempt Score is calculated based on question answers.
- rubric is used to determine the Attempt Status.
- rubric combines Attempt Status and Raw Score into Post-Rubric Score.
- The highest of all Post-Rubric Scores becomes the Overall Assessment Score.
Raw Attempt Score
Raw Attempt Scores are calculated as an average of all question responses:
Possible Values
- 0-100
Raw Attempt Score = Correct questions / Total questions × 100
Attempt Status
Attempt Status represents the state of an attempt. It is determined by rules set in the rubric. The Attempt Status is used to calculate the Post-Rubric Score.
Possible Values
Value | Description |
passed | Student passed the attempt. |
failed | Student failed the attempt. |
unableToPass | Student has no attempts remaining and did not achieve a passed status for any of their attempts. |
How Status is Determined
After an attempt is completed the Attempt Status is determined using rules from the rubric as follows:
Rubric Type | Raw Attempt Score >= rubric’s passingAttemptScore? | Attempts Remain? | Resulting Status |
– | – | – | passed |
pass-fail | Yes | – | passed |
pass-fail | No | Yes | failed |
pass-fail | No | No | unableToPass |
Any completed Attempt when not using a rubric will result in a
Post-Rubric Score
The Post-Rubric Score is the score the student receives for an Attempt. This score is what they’ll see when reviewing an attempt. It can include changes like bonuses or deductions from score mods
Possible Values
- 0-100
is a special value that represents that the module has no grade. In this case, no score will be sent to an LMS. In rubrics and scoreActions it is indicated with"no-score"
. In assessment result data it is indicated asnull
Rubric Type | Assessment Status | Post-Rubric Score |
(no rubric) | – | Raw Attempt Score |
pass-fail | passed |
passedResult + mod(s) |
pass-fail | failed | failedResult |
pass-fail | unableToPass | unableToPassResult |
Post-Rubric Score is limited to the range between 0-100, regardless of mods.
property value passedResult
98 mods +5 Post-Rubric Score 100
Overall Assessment Score
The Overall Assessment Score combines multiple attempts into a single score for this Assessment. In cases where Obojobo sends scores to an LMS (like an LTI assignment), this score is what is sent to the LMS.
It is possible to control what Obojobo sends to an integrated LMS. See LTI Score Passback
Possible Values
- 0 - 100
The highest Post-Rubric Score for a student, for this assessment, across all attempts.