All events are Caliper version 1.1 events.
Standard Event Types
All events (unless otherwise noted) contain these properties:
Property |
Value |
id |
Generated UUID |
edApp |
System IRI |
federatedSession |
Launch IRI |
extensions.internalEventId |
The id for the associated Obojobo event |
User navigates to another page
Occurs when Viewer Client sends one of the following Obojobo events:
Property |
Value |
actor |
User IRI |
action |
NavigatedTo |
object |
OboNode IRI the user is navigating to |
referrer |
OboNode IRI the user is coming from |
extensions.navType |
next , prev , goto or gotoPath
User views a question
Occurs when Viewer Client sends a question:view
Obojobo event.
User views a question explanation
Occurs when Viewer Client sends a question:showExplanation
Obojobo event.
User selects a response to a question. Viewer Client sends a question:setResponse
Answering a Practice Question
Answering an Assessment Question
A practice question is scored (When Viewer Client sends a question:scoreSet
Obojobo event).
An attempt is scored
Property |
Value |
actor |
App Server IRI |
action |
Graded |
object |
Attempt IRI |
target |
Assessment IRI |
generated |
Assessment Attempt Score |
extensions.attemptCount |
The count or number of the attempt, |
extensions.attemptScore |
float (0-100), |
extensions.assessmentScore |
null or a float (0-100), |
extensions.ltiScoreSent |
null or a float (0-1) |
User starts a new Visit
Occurs when App Server sends a visit:start
Obojobo event
User leaves a Draft
Occurs when Viewer Client sends a viewer:close
Obojobo event
User has started an assessment attempt
User has submitted an assessment attempt
User launches the lti picker
User visits a Draft
Occurs when App Server sends a viewer:open
Obojobo event
Property |
Value |
actor |
User IRI |
object |
System IRI |
action |
Used |
generated |
Visit IRI |
extensions.deactivatedVisitId |
Id of a Visit that was deactivated by this new visit |
Obojobo Specific Types
Additionally some generic events are created where existing Caliper events aren’t appropriate:
A question is hidden
When Viewer Client sends a question:hide
Obojobo event.
A question explanation is hidden
When Viewer Client sends a question:hideExplanation
Obojobo event.
When Viewer Client sends a nav:close
Obojobo event.
When Viewer Client sends a nav:open
Obojobo event.
####User is no longer loo Nav menu is unlocked
When Viewer Client sends a nav:unlock
Obojobo event.
When Viewer Client sends a nav:lock
Obojobo event.
User checks answer for a practice question
When Viewer Client sends a question:checkAnswer
Obojobo event.
A practice question is reset
When Viewer Client sends a question:scoreClear
Obojobo event
User is retries a practice question
When Viewer Client sends a question:retry
Obojobo event
User has gone idle
When Viewer Client sends a viewer:inactive
Obojobo event.
Property |
Value |
action |
Abandoned |
actor |
User IRI |
object |
Draft IRI |
extensions.type |
inactive |
extensions.lastActiveTime |
ECMAScript Date toString value |
extensions.inactiveDuration |
milliseconds |
User is no longer looking at the draft
When Viewer Client sends a viewer:leave
Obojobo event.
Property |
Value |
action |
Abandoned |
actor |
User IRI |
object |
Draft IRI |
extensions.type |
leave |
User has returned from idle
When Viewer Client sends a viewer:returnFromInactive
Obojobo event.
User is again looking at the draft
When Viewer Client sends a viewer:return
Obojobo event
Property |
Value |
action |
Resumed |
actor |
User IRI |
object |
Draft IRI |
extension.type |
returnFromInactive |
extension.lastActiveTime |
ECMAScript Date toString value |
extension.inactiveDuration |
milliseconds |
extension.relatedEventId |
id of Abandoned Event
User has loaded a draft page
Property |
Value |
action |
Created |
actor |
User IRI |
object |
Draft IRI |
generated |
Visit IRI |
extensions.deactivatedVisitId |
id of visit that was deactivated |
Caliper Entities and IRIs
Entity Name |
Type |
System IRI |
SoftwareApplication |
/api/system |
Viewer Client IRI |
SoftwareApplication |
/api/viewer/client |
Viewer Client Enity IRI |
Entity |
/api/viewer/client/:entity?draftId=:draftId |
App Server IRI |
SoftwareApplication |
/api/server |
Session IRI |
Session |
/api/session/:sessionId |
Launch IRI |
LtiSession |
/api/launch/:launchId |
User IRI |
Person |
/api/user/:userId |
Draft IRI |
WebPage |
/api/draft/:draftId |
OboNode IRI |
Frame |
/api/draft/:draftId#:nodeId |
OboNode with Context IRI |
Frame |
/api/draft:draftId#:nodeId?context=:contextName |
Practice Question Attempt IRI |
Attempt |
/api/practice/:draftId/:oboNodeId |
Assessment IRI |
Assessment |
/api/assessment/:draftId/:assessmentId |
Attempt IRI |
Attempt |
/api/attempt/:attemptId |
Picker IRI |
SoftwareApplication |
/api/picker |
Visit IRI |
Entity |
/api/visit/:visitId |
Caliper Enity Subtypes
According to Caliper’s Entity description:
A Caliper Entity is a generic type that represents objects that participate in learning-related activities. A variety of Entity subtypes have been defined in order to better describe people, groups, organizations, digital content, courses, software applications, and other objects that constitute the “stuff” of a Caliper Event. Each Entity is provisioned with a modest set of properties or attributes that support discovery and description.
Below are the custom entity subtypes used in Obojobo.
Practice Question Score:
Assessment Attempt Score:
Property |
Type |
Description |
type |
Score |
id |
Generated by the app server |
maxScore |
decimal |
100 |
scoreGiven |
decimal |
0-100 |
dateCreated |
DateTime |
attempt |
Attempt IRI |
scoredBy |
App Server IRI |