Administrative Commands

Making use of Fuel tasks to automate Materia administration

Materia’s CLI Management Commands

Materia CLI commands are executed using FuelPhp’s Oil Utility. Oil is a script that resides in the root directory of Materia, so all oil commands should be run from there.

Executing a Materia Task

$ php oil refine widget:show_engines

To break that down:

You’ll likely need to juggle which FuelPHP environment your commands run in as it dictates which configuration settings are loaded. Typically you’ll just set them inline, for example: $ FUEL_ENV=production php oil refine admin:show_engines, but they can be set in a more persistent way.

Listing Task Class Commands

A list of each task class can be seen by that task with no method argument.

$ php oil refine admin

available commands:

Catalog of Task Commands

Task Description
install The initial Materia server setup wizard.
admin:anonymize_users This will destructively randomize the username, first name, middle initial, last name, and e-mail address of all users in the database unless specified.
Args: admin:anonymize_users [<EXCEPT_USER_NAME>...]
admin:clear_cache Completely clears all cached data (primarily the contents of fuel/app/cache).
admin:destroy_database This will completely remove all database contents.
admin:destroy_everything This is a shortcut function, which will run both destroy_widgets and destroy_database.
admin:destroy_widgets This will uninstall all installed widgets.
admin:give_user_role This will give the specified role to the specified user. To view role names and permissions, see here.
Args: admin:give_user_role <USER_NAME> <ROLE_NAME>
admin:new_user Creates a new user from given information.
admin:populate_roles This will populate the database with the ‘basic author’ and ‘super user’ roles if they have not been added already.
admin:populate_semesters This is a shortcut function, which will run the semester task’s populate function for the years 2001 to 2037.
admin:populate After all migrations are run, this will fill databases with the information necessary for Materia by running populate_semesters and populate_roles automatically.
admin:setup_migrations This function will run all of the migrations for Materia, all of the installed modules, and all of the included packages.
semester:populate This will populate the database with semester information between two given years, including the start and end dates for Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters in each inclusive year.
Args: semester:populate <start year> <end year>
widget:copy_instance This will prompt you to log in as a particular user, then specify a widget ID to copy and a name for the new widget. It will attempt to copy the given widget with that user’s permissions.
widget:create_instance php oil refine widget:create_instance -i
widget:delete_instance This will remove all permissions for the specified widget then remove it from the database if possible. Single required argument: widget instance ID.
Args: widget:delete_instance <INSTANCE_ID>
widget:download_package Download a .wigt package to the server.
Args: widget:download_package <WIGT_FILE_URL>
widget:export_qset Export an existing qset in yaml format.
Args: widget:export_qset <INSTANCE_ID>
widget:install Install a .wigt package from a local path. Learn more about installing widgets.
Args: widget:install [options] [<WIGT_FILE_PATH>...] (see options)
widget:show_engines List all the widget engines that are installed
widget:show_instance This will output all information about a widget instance to the screen.
Args: widget:show_instance <INSTANCE_ID>
widget:show_qset This will export the specified widget instance’s question set to the Materia installs root directory as a yaml file.
Args: widget:show_qset <INSTANCE_ID>

Options details for widget:install Task

Initial Materia Install Task

The php oil refine install task is meant to be used on a newly installed Materia server. It will go through the process of asking for various configuration settings and making sure all the files and directories are set up as needed.