Viewing Scores

Getting the most out of your score feedback

Score History

Score history is located in your Materia profile. To view your profile click on your name at the top the page.

Your name is displayed at the top left, along with your avatar (NewMedia Presenter shown above)
Your name is displayed at the top left, along with your avatar (NewMedia Presenter shown above)
Example profile page
Example profile page

Each time you visit or play a widget, you receive a new score. The profile page displays scores you’ve earned per attempt, starting with your most recent. Clicking on one of the scores will take you to the associated score summary page.

Score Summary Page

The score summary page gives you a detailed view of the attempt for the associated widget. The following is an example score for the widget “TV Show Trivia”

Score results summary for 'TV Show Trivia'
Score results summary for 'TV Show Trivia'

To view how your score compares to with other participants’ scores, click Compare With Class.

Graph showing your peers scores.
Graph showing your peers scores.

And if you have attempted the widget multiple times, you can view previous attempts by selecting one from the drop-down menu which is displayed by hovering over Prev. Attempts.

View your previous attempts for this widget by mousing over the top left of the score summary
View your previous attempts for this widget by mousing over the top left of the score summary