ScoreModule Class

Scoring submissions on the server is the safest way

Score Module

If you set is_scorable in install.yaml to ‘yes’, a score module will be required. Drop src/_score/score-module.php in your source code and customize it as needed.

The score_module.php file is a PHP class which extends Score_Module. Your score module should override the checkAnswer method. Your implementation of this method should return a number of 0-100 representing the score for the given question response. The $log object contains any data saved to the server by your widget (usually question or performance data).

Basic score module example

namespace Materia;

class Score_Modules_MyWidget extends Score_Module
	public function check_answer($log)
		if (isset($this->questions[$log->item_id]))
			$question = $this->questions[$log->item_id];
			foreach ($question->answers as $answer)
				if ($log->text == $answer['text'])
					return $answer['value'];

		return 0;

This example uses Score_Module’s questions property which contains a reference to this widget instance’s qSet.

Look at the Score_Module class in Materia for all of the properties available to you.