Setting up Docker

Manage the docker compose configuration for Materia.

Docker in Depth

Materia uses Docker to simplify application installation, configuration, and management. The application consists of two primary images:

  1. The app image contains the server-side application and precompiled static assets (javascript and CSS). While we use composer to manage and install server-side packages and webpack to compile static assets, the app image contains these files already.
  2. The webserver image comes with a preconfigured NGINX config, though your installation’s requirements may require adjustments. It serves static files directly from the app image through a virtual volume, and reverse-proxies PHP requests to the app container.

We use docker compose to orchestrate these containers, which allows us to take advantage of networking between containers. If you’re not familiar with docker, we recommend taking a moment to become familiar with the concept of containers, images, volumes, and docker compose before continuing.

Why You Don’t Need the Materia Repository

Perhaps unintuitively, you don’t actually need to clone the Materia repo for production instances of Materia. Because the app and webserver containers are production-ready, they contain all the code you need to run Materia, configuration aside.

You’ll need to clone Materia if you intend to make code contributions or changes (for example, your institution desires modified versions of certain pages). Don’t forget that Materia is licensed under AGPL v3, which requires modifications to be publicly available.

Additionally, the Materia repo comes with a non-development setup script (docker/, which can be used to help configure your docker compose files and environment variables. If you go that route, we recommend using the generated compose files and env files to inform a final set of compose and environment variable configurations that you’ll use for a production setup. After that, you’re free to ditch the repo.

Volumes and Data Persistence

Because docker containers are ephemeral, you should never make important changes to files directly in the filesystem of containers. These changes will only persist for the lifetime of that specific container!

Instead, customization and changes to the filesystem of the containers - such as configuration files, user-created media, and installed widget files - should be volume-mounted from the host machine, to ensure these changes persist and to better facilitate backups and management. We’ll go over what needs to be volume mounted in more detail in a moment.

What About a Database Container?

We strongly recommend you use an external database solution with Materia, such as a AWS RDS, Azure database for MySQL, or GCP’s Cloud SQL for MySQL. While we ship a mysql container in the development docker compose configuration, you should not use a container-mounted database in production, due to data persistence considerations.

One potential exception is if you choose to volume mount the database file from the host machine. We don’t recommend this approach, but it’s safer than hosting the database directly in the container.

Creating Your Compose File

At minimum, your docker compose file will look like the following:

      - "80:80" # main materia
      - "443:443" # main materia
      - frontend
      - app

    - frontend
    - backend

      name: materia_frontend
      name: materia_backend

    static_assets: {}

One significant element to this base compose config is the version of the application to be run: this is defined by the tags associated with the webserver and app image: definitions. For a closer look at versioning, consult the versioning and updating guide.

The app and webserver service definitions will need to be expanded to include volume mounts and environment variables. These may vary depending on your local configuration needs:

      - static_assets:/var/www/html/public:ro                       # mounts static assets shared volume
      - ./widget/:/var/www/html/public/widget/:ro                   # mounts local widget engine files
      - ./config/nginx/key.pem:/etc/nginx/conf.d/key.pem:ro         # mounts local nginx key
      - ./config/nginx/cert.pem:/etc/nginx/conf.d/cert.pem:ro       # mounts local nginx cert
      - ./config/nginx/nginx-dev.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro      # mounts nginx config

      - .env                                                        # env variables file and relative path
      - static_assets:/var/www/html/public                          # static assets shared volume
      - ./widget/:/var/www/html/public/widget/:rw                   # mounts local widget engine files
      - ./media/:/var/www/html/fuel/app/media/:rw                   # mounts local media assets

Configuring Volume Mounts

Volume mounts enable data persistence across containers. Remember that docker containers are ephemeral! Any changes to a container’s filesystem outside of volume mounts will be lost should the container be killed and replaced. Volume mounts should include:

For the webserver service:

For the app service:

For both services:

Note the :ro and :rw flags for certain volume mounts. :ro (read-only) is recommended for webserver mounts since writes are not required on this container. :rw is recommended for the widget/ and media/ directories to ensure FuelPHP can write to them. You may need to adjust the ownership of these directories on the host machine if FuelPHP emits errors about write permissions.

Host Machine Files & Permissions

The directory where Materia is located on your host machine ( we generally recommend /var/www/html/) should look something like this:

├── docker-compose.yml
├── nginx.conf
├── nginx/
│   ├── key.pem
│   └── cert.pem
├── media/
└── widget/

As mentioned above, double-check ownership of the media/ and widget/ directories to ensure FuelPHP can write to the volume-mounted locations on the app container’s filesystem.

While it’s generally advised to limit permissions of your nginx.conf file, we have seen issues associated with the file not being permissive enough to be accessed in the webserver filesystem in certain versions of Debian. You may need to make this file more permissive to fix this issue.

Running the Application

Use the docker compose command to run Materia:

docker compose up -d

As mentioned in Getting Started, we generally advise using the -d flag to run compose detached; otherwise, the terminal window running the process must remain open. This is acceptable for local development, but not ideal for production.

Note that compose v1 used docker-compose for invocation. If you see errors associated with docker compose not being a valid command, you may be using a very outdated version of docker engine and compose.

The default docker compose up command assumes you are using a single docker-compose.yml and potentially docker-compose.override.yml. These two files are implicitly referenced by compose (with the override taking precedence). If you named your compose file something different, you should invoke the command with a reference to your compose filename:

docker compose up -d docker-compose.custom.yml

Container Monitoring & Shell Access

Use docker ps to inspect your currently running containers. docker ps will provide the container ID hash (we’ll need that for shell access), and provides an easy means of verifying the version of the image in use. For example,

Lets us know that the app container in service is on v10.3.0. This tag will be dependent on the tag being used in your compose file for the associated image.

If you need to get shell access to a container, use docker exec:

docker exec -it <container id> sh

You can also run commands on a container directly using docker exec:

docker exec -it <app container id> php oil r install