WIGT Package Structure

How a .wigt package is Structured

Wigt Package Structure Specfics

Wigt packages have rigid file structure requirements so that the installer knows where to find every assets.

├── /_score-modules
│   └── /score_module.php
├── /assets
├── /img
│   ├── /screen-shots
│   │   ├── 1-thumb.png
│   │   ├── 1.png
│   │   ├── 2-thumb.png
│   │   ├── 2.png
│   │   ├── 3-thumb.png
│   │   └── 3.png
│   ├── icon-60.png
│   ├── icon-60@2x.png
│   ├── icon-92.png
│   ├── icon-92@2x.png
│   ├── icon-275.png
│   ├── icon-275@2x.png
│   ├── icon-394.png
│   └── icon-394@2x.png
├── creator.html
├── demo.json
├── install.yaml
├── player.html
└── scoreScreen.html

Display Icons

This folder should contain a square icon for your widget. The icon requires 4 sizes with 2 pixel densities, together totaling 8 files.

Icon Icon Icon Icon

Download the set of default Materia widget icons

Screen Shots

This folder should contain three screen shots (with thumbnails). These will be used on the widget’s “about” page.

The widget detail page displaying 3 screen shots.
The widget detail page displaying 3 screen shots.